Solving A Problem with An Added Benefit

The R&D department at Porter Athletic is continually trying to improve upon the top-quality products we put out every day. Sometimes improvements come from an engineer’s own idea. Others come from solving real world problems. In this case, solving the problem created an added benefit.
First let us start with the problem…snow. In certain areas, snow would accumulate on top of facilities and cause the roof to sink in slightly. This slight sink would then cause our ceiling suspended basketball backboards to also lower which would of course make the height incorrect. Well, the 2ft height adjuster wouldn’t be able to fix this problem. With the problem in place R&D got to work and created the first and only electric 3ft height adjuster. The problem had been fixed and snow would no longer be an issue for facilities with overhead basketball backboards. But what about facilities where it doesn’t snow?
We had created a product for a problem that not everyone had, but some saw what else it could do. With the new range of the 3ft height adjuster, the basket could now be lowered for younger players. Basketball facilities and schools can now use easily raise and lower their backboards for whatever age group is playing.
The R&D team also made sure that putting in the new 3ft height adjuster would not be a pain for the facility. It was designed to be adaptable to all systems new and old. It can also be paired with any of Porters control systems.