The "Own the Court" Advantage

We often talk about owning the court, but what exactly do we mean by that and why do we think it should be important to your facility? If we break it down into it’s simplest form “Own the Court” simply starts with adding customization to your equipment. It could be as simple as choosing your school colors or as complex as having our marketing team add your personal artwork. This could be just your mascot or a unique design that covers the entire allotted space. So where does owning the court play into all this?
Owning the court is a mindset. It just starts with custom wall pads, portable pads, curtains, etc. Once athletes walk into their own court and see the name of their home team everywhere they look, there’s a sense of pride in that. It’s not just any court, it’s their court. Once you “Own the Court” you also want to defend it. Even spectators feel an extra push to cheer a little more when they know that they are in their court.
Owning the court is not just about the home team either. The teams that come into a facility with another team’s name everywhere can get into their head. This is not their court, and they know it. Everywhere they look they are reminded of it. Something as simple as custom padding could give the home team the advantage.
Owning the court is also about what happens off well…the court. Having customization shows that you take pride in your facility. Everyone will see that and be impressed. Athletes will take notice and it could help them decide to choose to play there. So again something simple could give you an advantage.
Whatever reason you choose to “Own the Court”, we are here to help you every step of the way.